收集整理 袁志伟 @fonter 2019.04
"We shape our tools, thereafter our tools shape us."
– Marshall McLuhan
近况( 2020.4.2)
对 Notion 的定义,据我观察应该经历过3个阶段,但是3个阶段最核心的愿景还是没变的,他们想做一个 tools for thought(这个是也是 Ivan Zhao 的 instagram 的签名);
- 第一个阶段懵懂的时候作出一个臆想的东西
- 第二阶段比较具象 a unified tool for notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
- 第三阶段是最近 Notion 对外招聘时候给自己的一个总结 Notion is a toolbox of software building blocks that let you manage your life and work however you find most useful.
由 tool → toolbox,有点“授人以鱼不如授人以渔“的哲思。
Notion 2.0
- a unified tool for notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
- Challenge the status quo of "software as silos".
挑战 "软件如孤岛 "的现状。
- Goal = Make for a post-file, post-MS Office world.
目标=打造一个后档案柜模式、后Office 套装的世界。
- the future = More bundling, more polishing.
**Notion 的初心:**A story of tools and the future of work